On October 28-29, 2020, a Scientific conference of young scientists and postgraduates of the IPE RAS (https://molkonf.ifz.ru/) was held, where reports were presented by graduate students of the IPE RAS – young scientists of the IEPT RAS: Shchepalina Polina, Semka Maxim, Artem Livinsky, and Vera Timofeeva.
Reports were dedicated to very diverse topics. Vera Timofeeva took part in the online section of the conference and presented a report prepared by a team of authors on the topic «Assessment of possible activation of the Bolshaya Udina volcano based on a joint study of seismicity and x-ray interferometry data». ( – timecode – 3:45)
Polina, Maxim and Artem took part in an offline section with presentations in the video format:
- Polina Shchepalina «Lunar and solar tides and seismicity: Baikal Region, Sichuan-Yunnan province (China)»(
- Maxim Semka «The strongest earthquakes of the Pacific belt»(
- Artem Livinsky «Recognition of ore-bearing morphostructural nodes in Altai-Sayan region»(
Each report was evaluated by the Commission. According to the results of the conference, Vera Timofeeva took the third place and was awarded a Diploma of the second degree. Artem Livinsky’s report was highly appreciated by experts. We congratulate Vera and Artem on their successful performance in a serious competition and wish them further success in their studies and research!
For more information visit the site.