— EARTHQUAKE: Origin time – 2007/04/01 20:39:56.06 +/- 0.24; Latitude – 8.481 +/- 0.060 N; Longitude – 156.978 +/- 0.047 E; Depth – 10 km (set by geophysicist); Magnitudes – mb = 6.9, MS = 7.8, MwGS = 8.0, MwGCMT = 8.1, MeGS = 7.7; F-E Region – SOLOMON ISLANDS.
(Preliminary Earthquake Report, U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center, World Data Center for Seismology, Denver. Dated: 2007 APR 3, 02:15 UTC)
— PREDICTIONS for the first half of 2007:
(i) The area of the M8 alarms targeting M8.0+ events includes the three circles of investigation (## 18, 20, and 21) in SOLOMON ISLANDS, which area, in the second approximation by MSc algorithm, is reduced to the two rectangular shapes. The epicenters of 01 April 2007 great earthquake and its first aftershocks (within location accuracy) are all inside the intersection of the three circles and the western shape of the second approximation (Figure 1).
(ii) The area of the M8 alarms targeting M7.5+ events includes the two circles of investigation (##20 and 21) in SOLOMON ISLANDS, which area, in the second approximation by MSc algorithm, is reduced to the two rectangular shapes. The epicenters of 01 April 2007 great earthquake and its first aftershocks are inside CI # 20, though away from the second approximation prediction (Figure 2).
(Subject: The 2007a Update of the M8-MSc predictions + 13 January 2007 great earthquake EAST OF KURIL ISLANDS, Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 3:43 PM).

Figure 1.
Figure 1.