A boundary value problem in the theory of elasticity for a rectangle: exact solutions

In the journal “Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik” (WoS, Scopus, Q1) publishedby Springer, the article“A boundary value problem in the theory of elasticity for a rectangle: exact solutions” was published. Among the authorsareemployees of IEPT RAS: Leading Researcher, D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) M.D. Kovalenko, Senior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) I.V. MenshovaandSenior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) A.P. Kerzhaev.

In the article, we derive the formulas that describe the exact solution of the boundary value problem in the theory of elasticity for a rectangle in which two opposite (horizontal) sides are free and stresses are specified (all cases of symmetry relative to the central axes) on the other two sides (rectangle ends). The formulas for a half-strip are also given. The solutions are represented as series in Papkovich–Fadle eigenfunctions whose coefficients are determined from simple formulas.

The research was funded by RFBR and NSFC according to the research project No. 20-51-53021 and the Russian Science Foundation under grant No. 19-71-00094.

More“A boundary value problem in the theory of elasticity for a rectangle: exact solutions”

Seismic hazard in the Shillong plateau region, India

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More“Seismic hazard in the Shillong plateau region, India”

Geodynamics, seismicity and seismic hazard of the Caucasus

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On October 28-29, 2020, a Scientific conference of young scientists and postgraduates of the IPE RAS (https://molkonf.ifz.ru/) was held, where reports were presented  by graduate students of the IPE RAS – young scientists of the IEPT RAS:  Shchepalina Polina, Semka Maxim, Artem Livinsky, and Vera Timofeeva.


Information platform Web of Science and Russian Science Citation Index

As part of the support and development of a project to provide access to electronic scientific resources of state scientific and educational organizations of the Russian Federation, Clarivate, together with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, announces the opening of test access to the Russian Science Citation Index. Access will be open from 10/26/2020 to 12/31/2020. Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is a database of the most influential scientific journals in Russian on the Web of Science platform, a joint project of Clarivate and the Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary.ru). Today this database contains information about publications in almost 800 leading scientific journals in Russian in all areas of science.