An exact solution for the reinforced half-strip

Wiley-VCH published the article “Expansions in terms of Papkovich–Fadle eigenfunctions in the problem for a half-strip with stiffeners” in the journal Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Web of Science Q3, Scopus Q2, Impact Factor JCR: 1.103). Among the authors are employees of the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEPT RAS): Leading Researcher, D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) M.D. Kovalenko, Senior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) I.V. Menshova and Senior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) A.P. Kerzhaev.

More“An exact solution for the reinforced half-strip”

An exact solution of an inhomogeneous problem for an elastic half-strip

Sage Publications published the article “An inhomogeneous problem for an elastic half-strip: An exact solution” in the journal Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (Web of Science Q2, Scopus Q2, Impact Factor JCR: 2.040). Among the authors are employees of the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEPT RAS): Leading Researcher, D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) M.D. Kovalenko, Senior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) I.V. Menshova and Senior Researcher, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) A.P. Kerzhaev.

In the article, in the form of series in Papkovich–Fadle eigenfunctions, exact solutions to two inhomogeneous boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity for a half-strip with free long sides are constructed: (1) the half-strip end is free, (2) the half-strip end is rigidly clamped. First, a solution to the inhomogeneous problem for an infinite strip is constructed. Then, the corresponding solutions for a half-strip are added to this solution, with the help of which the boundary conditions at the end are satisfied. To solve the inhomogeneous problem in a strip, the Papkovich orthogonality relation is used.

More“An exact solution of an inhomogeneous problem for an elastic half-strip”

Maximum earthquakesin future time intervals

The paper addresses the problems associated with the maximum earthquakes in a seismically active region. Pisarenko and Rodkin (2009; 2010; 2015) proposed an alternative to the ambiguously determined parameter of the maximum regional magnitude Mmax in the form of a clearly defined and statistically substantiated parameter of the maximum possible magnitude of an earthquake in a given region on a given future time interval T.

More“Maximum earthquakesin future time intervals”

Correlations of the trace element composition of oils and other caustobiolites

Use of mathematical methods, sometimes even quite elementary, in other areas of knowledge often proves to be very efficient. As an example of such use, and, at the same time, an example of cooperation between IEPT RAS and OGRI RAS (Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS), we can point out the results of correlation analysis of the content of trace elements (TE) in oils, coals, black and oil shales, as well as in oil degradation products with the average chemical composition of the upper, middle and lower continental crust and biota.

More“Correlations of the trace element composition of oils and other caustobiolites”