GIS project Lineaments South Siberia region

The recognition problem was solved separately for each region. In region I, the value of the threshold magnitude (Mo) was taken equal to 6, and in region II – equal to 5.5. The problem was solved using the Kora-3 recognition algorithm with learning. Recognition objects are intersection nodes of lineaments, described by a single set of morphometric and graviomagnetic parameters. In Region I, 140 nodes were allocated. As a result of recognition, 41 nodes were assigned to high-severity class B, where M6+ events are possible. In region I, recognized B nodes are grouped in separate regions. Group of nodes B forms a highly seismic zone in the southeast of Altai and along its borders with the Western Sayan Mountains, the Great Lakes Basin and the Mongolian Altai. Another group of nodes B is located on the 1st rank lineament, separating the Western and Eastern Sayans from the Khangai ridges. Also, a group of nodes B is located on the southern border of the region within Mongolia. On Baikal, B-nodes are concentrated on the borders of the southern part of the Baikal Basin. Zones of lower seismic potential were the western and northwestern Altai, the internal regions of the Western Sayan, the Eastern Sayan and the western limit of the Baikal depression. In Region II, 89 nodes were identified. As a result of recognition, 30 nodes are assigned to class B, where earthquakes with M5.5+ are possible. 18 potentially dangerous nodes were identified, where to date no events of such magnitude have been recorded. Within region II, nodes B do not form clusters, but are scattered singly throughout the region. Most of these nodes are concentrated in the Stanovoy Range and Stanovoy Highlands. A smaller number of B nodes are recognized in the Transbaikal ridges and within the Sikhote-Alin, indicating a lower seismic potential in these areas.

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